Prativa Samaj Kallyan Samity
Across the Bangladesh, We Are United in Our Dedication to Women and children's Rights
Who We Are
Non-Government, Non-Profitable, Non-political, Voluntary and Charitable Organization.
Our charitable society is dedicated to improving the lives of those in need within our community. We strive to provide support and resources to the most vulnerable members of society, including children, the elderly, and those who are experiencing financial hardship. Our programs are designed to uplift and empower womens meaningful ways.
From providing basic necessities like educational opportunities and job training, we aim to create a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of donors and volunteers who share our commitment to making a difference. Together, we work towards building a more compassionate and just society for all.

Objective and Purpose
We Facilitate Safe Learning Spaces
All the objects will be implemented after obtaining the necessary permission from the Government/concerned authority/competent authority before implementation of the objects and the objects contrary to the provision of Section 20 of the Society registration Act 1860 shall be treated as ineffective.
Such foundations work to empower women through various programs and initiatives that are designed to address issues such as gender inequality, poverty, and domestic violence. The foundation provides women with access to education, healthcare, and other essential services that are necessary for their personal and professional growth. Additionally, women’s welfare foundations work to create awareness about women’s issues and mobilize resources to support women’s empowerment. These foundations serve as a platform for women to voice their concerns and seek support and help.
To carry on humanitarian or charitable program among the poor people.
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To take initiative for enhancing knowledge of science, literature & arts by establishing school, college & university.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.
To take initiative for distribution of relief among the neglected poor people.
To train the illiterate and half-literate people for increasing their performances by ensuring advanced education system.
To aware the common people, poor people and human society for their humanitarian activities.
Our Programs
Educationl Program

Bangladesh is trying to alleviate the course of illiteracy and the combined campaign of NGO and go against illiteracy is seem to reaching its ultimate aim. PSKS also want to be and participant of expedition of literacy. So, it takes education program as a vital part to achieve its mission along with other programs. To combat the curse of illiteracy PSKS feels to instate the education program. The staffs of PSKS conduct literacy course during weekly group meeting and it is implementing ILO Education program.
Primary Health

Primary Health services and health awareness is ongoing program of the organization and all the field are covered with this program through weekly group meetings the community people and group members are made aware on health and hygiene. Beside this the organization arrange primary health care including maternal health, National Immunization program at its working areas. Sale of medicine is one of the major components of this program.

PSKS has undertaken nursery development project. In this connection PSKS established a nurs- ery under this project. PSKS has undertaken skill development initiatives involving its beneficia- ries and volunteer with various trainings of Government Agriculture Department to management. Organization also planted hues numbers of improve its nursery seedlings under this project.
Awareness Raising Program on Human Rights

In the implementation of activities of development organizations/agencies needs to be aware of the UDHR. Awareness rising also a very important support for all the programs and group formation. PSKS has been made aware approximately 9,000 peoples in its working areas on Human Rights.
Development of Differently Abele Peoples

Differently Abele/Disables are the part of the society and they have rights. PSKS manage- ment/staff/members have been working on disability life skill development through identifying and involving them in income generation activities of the program areas.
Handicrafts (Hogla, Jute items, Bamboo, Cane, Doll & Tailoring etc).

PSKA arranges IGA and occupational skills development training for the destitute women and the adolescent girls from 2001 so far 155 destitute women and 75 adolescent girls have been provided IGA and skills development training courses on Hogla, Jute items, Bamboo and Cane, Doll making, Tailoring and Embroidery. Most of them have been involved in tailoring and embroi- dery activities.
Water & Sanitation

PSKS distributed ring for sanitary latrine and arranges installation of tubewells for arsenic free water. The organization has been implementing this program to achieve sent parcent water and sanitation of its targeted areas.
Drug & HIV/AIDS Prevention

At the present HIV/AIDS/Std has become a very alarming issue in Bangladesh. So, the organiza- tion has been teach and dessiminate information to the rural people and urban people for HIV/AIDS/Std. In this regard posturing and vide circulation have conducted in the working areas. The staff of the organizations continuously aware and motivating the people on HIV /AIDS/ Std.
Training Program

There are about 2000 students has been received on IT related training such as Smart Executive MS Office, Creative Graphic Design, CCNA, Website Design and Development, 250 persons received training on Handicrafts, 120 persons received agri based training and 150 persons farmers also, and all are received on Gender based awareness in this project circle. These activi- ties have been going on since 2005.
Women Mobile Nutrition Retailer

WMNR aims to create a sustainable and scalable business model to encourage women’s Empowerment and Self-confidence of the poor and marginalized, especially women in Sylhet and Moulvibazar. Through this activity creating employment opportunities and improving access to markets for Bottom of the Pyramid. WMNRS delivers nutritious food and hygiene products to community, which rural poor’s women had equal access to productive resources, information and income generating opportunities. She has taken up the challenging task of raising awareness on nutritious food and hygiene practices through door-to-door visits and group sessions. Initially project facilitated the linkage with private sector in order to establish a supply chain of products for the WMNR’s basket. Realizing the potential demand for products and income from the business.
Others Activities

Pratibha Samaj Kalyan Samiti distributed Eid gifts and Iftar to 100 poor, disabled and helpless people. Md. Abdullah Rana, Executive Director of the organization and Mrs. Sarmin Nahar, NTV presenter and CEO of the association, jointly declared the opening of the program and distribut- ed Iftar and gifts. Eminent businessman Rashedul Islam Safin attended the event as a special guest. Honorable Member of Parliament of Dhaka-10 Constituency Md Shafiul Islam Mohiuddin gave a donation of Tk 100000/- to Pratibha Samaj Kalyan Samiti.The executive director of the association accepted the donation on behalf of the association Abdullah Rana and Executive member Uppal Chandra Das.

Name: Naznin Nahar
- Designation: Head Of Admin
- Phone: +8801978447325
- Email:

Yamin Irman
- Designation: International Affairs
- Email:

Name: Barrister Md Taufiqur Rahman Sujon
- Designation: Advisor
- Email:

Name: Samia nausheen
- Designation: Advisor
- Email:
committee Members

Name: Mrs. Seheli Haque
- Designation: President
- Email:

Name: AM. Rofiqul Islam
- Designation: Vice-President
- Email:

Name: Md. Abdullah Rana
- Designation: Executive Director & Ceo
- Phone: +8801711871990
- Email:

Name: Kajol Kumar
- Designation: Treasurer
- Email:

Name: Dr. Mst. Kashfia Ahmed
- Designation: Director
- Email:

Name: Mst. Shahana Akter
- Designation: Director
- Email:

Name: Uthpal Chandra Das
- Designation: Director
- Email:

Name: Md. Rasedul Islam
- Designation: Director
- Email:

Name: Zubayer Ahmed
- Designation: Director
- Email:

Name: Md.Mansur Alam
- Designation: Media & Communication
- Email:
Staff Members

Name: Md Robiul
- Designation: Computer Operator
- Email:

Name: Nahida Akther
- Designation:

- Designation:


Basic Info
Contact Person & Head of the organization
Md.Abdullah Rana
Executive Director-ED
Executive Director-ED
Legal Status of the organization
Registered under social welfare and NGOAB
Founder of the organization
Mrs.Seheli Haque
Organizational Goal
To assist the target people to promote them in the process of development activites including education, human rights, health gender equality and livelihood options so that they can change the quality of their living status, by utilizing local and national resources.