Who We Are
PRATIVA SAMAJ KALLYAN SAMITY (PSKS) is a non-political and non-profitable voluntary social welfare and socio-economic development organization. It is established in 1991 by some dedi- cated and sincere persons of Dhaka district under the leadership of Mrs. SEHELI HAQUE a member of well-known Muslim family of this area. It aims to improve the socio-economic condi- tion of the under privileged specially for women and children and bring positive changes in their moral values.
Since the inception, PRATIVA is contributing to the Excellency of education (primary, secondary and mass education) program. Providing financial help to the poor and meritorious students, assisting infrastructural development of educational institutions, undertake projects to reduce dropout rate especially for the girls, arrange innovative programs at school etc. The vision is to build a safe world, proactive leadership of young people, self-development and helping society, remove poverty, retain nutritious in food and build a better future for the children. PRATIVA also focuses on the following;
Gender equality in education, health and every aspect of life, encourage the development of

What We Do
PRATIVA also focuses on the following:
- Gender equality in education, health and every aspect of life, encourage the development of women.
- Improve the standard of life by socio-economic development of the landless poor people by organizing through mutual participation in development activities.
- Provide healthcare services for the poor and destitute women in urban and remote areas.
- Capacity building activities for the farmers to develop better farming technique for obtaining safe and good agriculture yields and contribute to poverty reduction.
- Encourage social forestry, livestock and poultry, sustainable farming as alternative Employ- ment generation.
- Encourage social forestry, livestock and poultry, sustainable farming as alternative Employ- ment generation.
- Provide legal assistance against dowry, child marriage, divorce, eve teasing, acid throwing & other oppression against women & conduct activities to this regard.
- Provide assistance for the better and safe work condition for institutional labor; provide coop- eration to the migrated workers and advocacy for their safe work.
- Provide assistance for the poor and marginalized people to reduce vulnerability and poverty
Organizational Goal:
To assist the target people to promote them in the process of development activities including education, human rights, health, gender equality and livelihood options so that they can change the quality of their living status, by utilizing local and national resources.
Beneficiaries/Target Group:
PSKS selects Beneficiaries through the following criteria: Ultra-poor, poor and under privileged people specially woman who are willing to join the organization as a voluntary basis and want to change their life.
*People who want skill development training for their income generating activities.
*People who are engaged in any income generating activity and likely to establish small enter- prise.

Name: Naznin Nahar
- Designation: Head Of Admin
- Phone: +8801978447325
- Email: nazninnhr09@gmail.com

Yamin Irman
- Designation: International Affairs
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Barrister Md Taufiqur Rahman Sujon
- Designation: Advisor
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Samia nausheen
- Designation: Advisor
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com
committee Members

Name: Mrs. Seheli Haque
- Designation: President
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: AM. Rofiqul Islam
- Designation: Vice-President
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Md. Abdullah Rana
- Designation: Executive Director & Ceo
- Phone: +8801711871990
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Kajol Kumar
- Designation: Treasurer
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Dr. Mst. Kashfia Ahmed
- Designation: Director
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Mst. Shahana Akter
- Designation: Director
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Uthpal Chandra Das
- Designation: Director
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Md. Rasedul Islam
- Designation: Director
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Zubayer Ahmed
- Designation: Director
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Md.Mansur Alam
- Designation: Media & Communication
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com
Staff Members

Name: Md Robiul
- Designation: Computer Operator
- Email: prativa.sksbd@gmail.com

Name: Nahida Akther
- Designation:

- Designation:
Basic Info
Contact Person & Head of the organization
Md.Abdullah Rana
Executive Director-ED
Executive Director-ED
Legal Status of the organization
Registered under social welfare and NGOAB
Founder of the organization
Mrs.Seheli Haque
Organizational Goal
To assist the target people to promote them in the process of development activites including education, human rights, health gender equality and livelihood options so that they can change the quality of their living status, by utilizing local and national resources.